The aim of “Confidence in Colour” is for you to feel confident that you are wearing the best colours and shapes to flatter your figure and personality and finding the best style to suit YOU….

Wardrobe editing involves working through your wardrobe and reducing it to the items that you love, suit your shape and are the correct colour for you.

Colour Analysis is the first step in the “ Confidence in Colour” journey and the one that has the most immediate impact. Find out more.

If you are looking a perfect outfit for a wedding, new work wardrobe or just to update your current wardrobe, I am here to help!

“Unlocking Confidence through a Colour Consultation: Your Journey to Self-Expression”

Have you ever wondered how the power of colour can transform not just your wardrobe but also your self-confidence? Welcome to the world of our Colour in Confidence Consultation, a delightful and approachable experience designed to empower you with the knowledge of your best shades while making you feel entirely at ease.

Discover Your Unique Palette:

Our consultation begins with an exploration of your individuality. We believe that everyone has a set of colours that complements their natural beauty, and this journey is all about finding yours. You’ll be guided through a relaxed and enjoyable process to determine your ideal shades – those that make you shine with confidence. No intimidating color charts or complex terminology here; it’s all about embracing the colours that resonate with you.

Personal Style Enhancement:

This consultation goes beyond the theory of colour. It’s a hands-on experience that helps you translate your newfound knowledge into your daily life. Discover how to infuse your wardrobe, makeup, and accessories with your ideal shades effortlessly. Our expert will share practical tips on how to select clothing and makeup that enhance your features while letting your personality shine through.

Your Journey to Confidence:

In the end, our Colour in Confidence Consultation is not just about finding the right colours; it’s about rediscovering your confidence and celebrating your individuality. We believe that you deserve to feel fantastic in what you wear, and that journey begins with understanding the power of colour.

So, why not embark on this enjoyable and enlightening journey with us? Unlock the confidence that comes from embracing your true colours, and let your personality shine through every outfit, every day. Join us for a consultation that’s as fun as it is empowering, and discover the vibrant world of self-expression through colour!

These services will make you feel and look better immediately and also save you money in the long run. By focusing on the colours and styles that suit you, you will no longer be buying those impulse items that sit in your wardrobe for years. Instead you will have a streamlined, capsule wardrobe of pieces you love with less cost and waste.
There are three main services we offer, comprising of: Colour Analysis, Style and Wardrobe editing and Personal / Virtual shopping. It’s possible to book these services separately or as part of a package.
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